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FINALLY! A NEW Way To Get Staff, Attract Customers & Cut Costs in 7 Days Even With Inflation & Labour Shortages - Guaranteed!

FINALLY! A NEW Way To Get Staff, Attract Customers & Cut Costs in 7 Days Even With Inflation & Labour Shortages - Guaranteed!

As Seen On

Position Your Business to Win As Others Go Under With A Robot Assistant For Free For 7 Days!

Attention Business Owners & Managers!

Are you tired of dealing with the constant struggle of staff shortages and high turnover rates?

Are you also facing dissatisfaction from customers and receiving bad reviews as a result?

A service robot is the solution to your problems, and we want to give you the opportunity to try a robot for free with a risk-free demo for 7 days.

Our state-of-the-art service robots are here to solve your staffing problems and increase your customer satisfaction and revenue.

Imagine being able to rely on a robot employee who never calls in sick, doesn't require time off, and can work around the clock. Say goodbye to staff shortages, burnout, and unhappy customers.

A service robot is the solution you've been looking for!

Can't Find Good Workers?
Robots Make Work Easier!

Here's what a robot will do for you:

Increase Revenue

A robot can upsell sell your products and services even when staff get busy and forget, which means more profit for you.

Cut Operational Costs

When inflation rises & the government increases the minimum wage & property taxes, your robot keeps a good ROI, keeps your costs down and will pay for itself.

Customer Satisfaction

Customers love the novelty of being served by a robot and would like to share pictures via social media, which means free marketing for you.

No Staff Burnout & Quitting

The physical demands of a long work day is tiring. Save energy for your staff, which makes them more productive by getting a robot to do the heavy lifting.

Save Time

A robot can work a 12 hour shift for 365 days a year without a break. That's a big positive impact on your profits.

Money-Back Guarantee

Our robot demos makes you money in 7-days. You'll be satisfied with the marketing value it brings to your business.

Struggling To Find Good Workers?
A Robot Can Work 24/7 For You!

Here's what a robot will do for you:

Increase Revenue

A robot can upsell sell your products and services even when staff get busy and forget, which means more profit for you.

Cut Operational Costs

When inflation rises & the government increases the minimum wage & property taxes, your robot keeps a good ROI, keeps your costs down and will pay for itself.

Customer Satisfaction

Customers love the novelty of being served by a robot and would like to share pictures via social media, which means free marketing for you.

No Staff Burnout & Quitting

The physical demands of a long work day is tiring. Save energy for your staff, which makes them more productive by getting a robot to do the heavy lifting.

Save Time

A robot can work a 12 hour shift for 365 days a year without a break. That's a big positive impact on your profits.

Money-Made Guarantee

Our robot demos makes you money in 7-days. You'll be satisfied with the marketing value it brings to your business.

People WILL NOT Work For You!
Here's The Reason Why...

In March of 2020 the world went into lockdown.

What happened next was unexpected... In some places, quarantine lasted for 3 years.

This forced many to lose their jobs, others were forced to take a pay cut and many businesses died.

As a response, the government started to give checks to people every 2 weeks.

Many people actually earned more with a government check than they did at their old jobs.

What happened next sent SHOCKWAVES in the business world...

As things started to open back up again, people started quitting their jobs in HUGE numbers, it was a mass resignation called "The Exodus".

The job market became flooded with a TON of new jobs from businesses desperately searching for people to work (they're still looking! Are you?).

However, staff who returned to work were not motivated and hated their job, so they started "quietly quitting", which means going to work and doing the least work necessary but asking for more money.

It became a job-seekers market and it is still a job-seekers market right now!

In normal times, the government would usually assist businesses by stimulating immigrant workers to move for work - but travel restrictions were in place for almost 3 years, so it will be a very long time before migrating workers reach your business.

For every month WITHOUT workers you could be losing $3,000 or more!

Your business needs workers NOW! Not in 15 months time.

To make matters worse, people started earning more money with remote jobs, so many people now work from home in the cozy comfort of wearing pyjamas.

The rise of remote jobs means that...

Competition in your job market went from local to national to global in just 2 years. THAT'S VERY VERY FAST!

As if that wasn't bad enough, many people who work from home are now "Job Stacking", which means getting 2 full-time remote jobs at the same time.

Employer 1 doesn't know about employer 2 and employer 2 doesn't know about employer 1.

What that means is that some people saw MASSIVE increase in their salary working reomte from home.

Workers who used to earn $40,000 can now earn $80,000 and those who use to earn $70,000 are now earning $150,000 per year working remotely.

Your business can’t compete with these salaries, you can only adapt!

Now you know why people won't come work for you.

As a result, many businesses are now using robots to fill empty job positions.

Here are a Few Businesses That Use Robots

We have proven success with robots, as seen on the news, media and press appearances. We're also privileged to serve a long list of satisfied clients, including these companies...

Some Real-World Reviews

Don't just take our word for it; click play to hear what some of our clients are saying about their experience since getting a robot for their businesses.

Boston Pizza

Golden Ocean

Great product ,very good tools to help the industry and people.

Ionut Bordieanu

Always fun to see how much attention and excitement they create with diners who love watching them work and having them arrive at their table.

Jeff Tuttle

What You're Gonna Get

For a limited time only, we're offering a 7-day free robot demo, with free shipping to your business. We just ask you cover a small fee for the robot setup.

As a free bonus, you'll also receive training for your staff during your free promo trial to use the robot at no additional cost.

The total value of giving your business this unmissable promotion actually costs us money, which means we spend out of pocket for every free robot we send out across the country.

The further the distance, the more it costs us to send you this promo.

Here's an average of what we spend, so that you can benefit;

Free Robot Assistant

You'll get a robot for 7 days for free, so that you work smarter which means you have an edge in your market as the 1st with a unique robot experience.

(Value $999)

Free Shipping

We'll cover the cost of shipping. For a limited promotional time. Robot's are still new so they need special shipping insurance that you don't pay for because we will.

(Value $699)

Technician's Expenses Free

A technician will come to you from out of province. That is an expense that we will cover, which means we pay for their flight, accommodation, Food, Van rental & fuel to get to you.

(Value $1200)

BONUS: Training Your Staff

A technician will train your staff for 1-2 days so that they know how to use the new technology, which means it works seamlessly from the start.

(Value $497)

Real Total Value $3395+

One-Time Promotion Of:
$499 To Major Cities


$799 To Remote Cities

A One-Time Payment Plus Tax

Limited Robots To Ship Canada-wide

Don't Miss Out, Claim Your Free Robot Now!

A technician will train your staff for 1-2 days so that they know how to use the new technology, which means it works seamlessly from the start.

These Are The Major Cities

Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal & Toronto.

Remote means any Canadian city outside of these major cities.

There Is NO CATCH!

In case you're wondering WHY are we doing all this…

  • Why would we give your business a robot for 7 days for FREE?

  • Why would we pay to ship the robot to you for FREE?

  • Why would we pay to fly a robot technician into your city for 1 - 2 days, cover the accommodation, food, van rental & fuel for FREE?

  • Why would we train your staff to use the robot for FREE?

  • Why are we willing to lose money in this way?

And all you have to do is cover a small promo fee for setup?

Well, there are actually a few reasons why…

  • First, it’s our way of giving to the business community because we know many are hurting real bad from staff shortages and may go out of business at any time

  • We’d love an opportunity to add a tone of value to your business while having our robot seen by your customers. Although it’s expensive foe us to do this, we think of it as marketing which benefits our business as your business profits

  • We have a “not-so-secret” agenda that the value of a robot in your business will be so impressive that you’ll want to keep it after your free 7-day demo

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

Obviously this is an expensive exercise for us to do.

We only have a limited numbers of promotional robots, so this promo can end at any time without notice.

If this page is still here, then free robots are still available. But we reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here's Our "Automatic" Guarantee!

We guarantee that a robot will add marketing value to your business of at least $1,000+, which more than covers your trial period.

What that means is if you try the robot demo for 7 days you'll notice an increase in revenue just by having a model in your location.

So you have nothing to lose and potential of hundreds of thousands of dollars generated for your business over just a few years in a way that is 100% risk-free.

Get Your Free Robot Before This Promo Ends!

They are limited numbers & models of free robots to send to you from out of province. Avoid delays by claiming your free robot assistant now!

Just cover the Robot setup.

Click The Button Now & Book a Free Demo

For 7 Days 100% Risk-Free!

P.S. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Schedule your 7-day risk-free demo today and experience the many benefits of our service robots for yourself and start seeing an improvement in your customer satisfaction and revenue. Don't hesitate, act fast before the promotion ends!

Get A Robot To Try For FREE For 7 Days!

They are limited numbers of free promotional robots to send.
Avoid delays by claiming your free robot assistant now!
Just cover the Robot setup.

Claim Your FREE Robot Assistant For 7 Days!

E-Pro Bot Serves Businesses by Reducing Operational Costs & Increasing Profits Through Automated Robot Assistants.

Contact Us

+1(647) 797-8779

20 Wertheim Ct, #32, Richmond Hill Ontario L4B3A8

© 2024 – E-Pro Bot | All Right Reserved | Privacy Policy

E-Pro Bot Serves Businesses by Reducing Operational Costs & Increasing Profits Through Automated Robot Assistants.


+1(647) 797-8779

20 Wertheim Ct, #32, Richmond Hill Ontario L4B3A8

© 2024 – E-Pro Bot | All Right Reserved | Privacy Policy